What will you be able to do at the end of this Web Marketing Course for start-ups and new entrepreneurs?

Web Marketing Course for Start-Ups and New Entrepreneurs

[lwptoc hierarchical=”0″ numeration=”decimal” numerationSuffix=”none” itemsFontSize=”100%” skipHeadingText=”Le nostre certificazioni|A soli 299€|A soli 438€|A soli 165€|A soli 219€|A partire da 4 iscritti|What will you be able to do at the end of this Web Marketing Course for start-ups and new entrepreneurs?|Just 299 euros|From 4 subscribers|Our Ce*”]

Web Marketing course for start-ups and new entrepreneurs, program:

  • With what tool can we see which are the 5 keywords that bring the most traffic to our competitors?
  • The company's communication to consumers has been accompanied by another type of communication, which one? Can you give a practical example? Is this second type of communication a threat or an opportunity?
  • Describe the elements of a particularly crowded SERP of competitors
  • Can you give 5 examples of possible goals for a Web Marketing Plan?
  • Can you identify which indicators indicate whether or not each of these goals has been achieved?
  • What do I need to define and list before performing quantitative analysis?
  • What is the result with which we need to exit quantitative analysis?
  • Is a keyword with search volume close to zero but very similar to the name of our product an interesting keyword?
  • How do we find out if we chose a keyword that's too generic?
  • What is the result with which we need to get out of quality analysis?
  • If we realize during the qualitative analysis that the keywords we have chosen are wrong, can we change them? What?
  • How does qualitative analysis impact SEO?
  • How does qualitative analysis affect competition analysis?


The Web Marketing course for start-ups and new entrepreneurs is aimed at owners and marketers of companies that want to find retailers, distributors, partners, franchises via the Internet




  • Opportunities for a Web Marketing Strategy
  • Top down, horizontal and bottom-up communication
  • Web marketing
    • Definition
    • B2b
    • B2c

The web marketing plan

you'll know in this Web Marketing course for start-ups and new entrepreneurs:

Defining objectives

      • Strategic planning
      • The importance of having a stake-approved strategy
      • Define measurable goals and associate them with statistical indicators

Quantitative analysis

      • Define the name and description of each marketing object product
      • Define typical customers
      • How to use AdWords Keyword Planner to quantify the online marketplace and find keywords to focus on
      • Practical principles of SEO

Quality analysis

      • How to use opinion sites, forums and blogs to understand what aspects of our product/service visitors want to know to decide between us and our competitors
      • Writing content that answers questions from potential customers
      • Web writing techniques
      • The language of the web

Competition analysis

      • Build an online presence assessment grid for our competitors
      • Benchmarking


      • Summarize everything discovered with quantitative, qualitative and competitive analysis in a single shareable online environment
      • Communicate the project to stakeholders, graphic designers, programmers and all other figures involved not in an abstract way but with a working draft but easy to edit
      • Get started with Google Sites New
      • Introduction to Balsamiq

Coordination of graphics and development

      • Effective team use
      • Team and task organization
      • Project management techniques
      • Web activity scheduling


      • Content management
      • Google Analytics data analytics
      • Segmentation techniques
      • SEO Activity
      • Linkbuilding Activities


    • Create a social media strategy
    • Create a social action quality rating grid
    • Plan a web marketing campaign
    • Plan a social media marketing campaign
    • Integrated communication campaigns
    • How to use LinkedIn for B2B web marketing

This and more in our Web Marketing course for start-ups and new entrepreneurs!


Content expert.

Certificate issued

Frequency certificate.

Request term

The date to define.


16 hours, divided into 4 meetings of 4 hours

To be defined

See all Web Marketing courses

Sign up for the course

Payment will take place in the first lesson

Just 299 euros

For 4 meetings for a total of 16 hours

From 4 subscribers

The Web Marketing course for start-ups and new entrepreneurs will start when the minimum number of subscribers is reached

    Web Marketing Course for Start-Ups and New Entrepreneurs

    Our Certifications