Marketing on Facebook course

Marketing on Facebook: Manage a company page

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Manage a company page: admin

  • Roles and administration
  • Privacy and security
  • Facebook Business Manager
  • Business settings

Marketing on Facebook: Content Strategy

  • Post types
  • Post pre-existing videos
  • Live video
  • Publish events

Marketing on Facebook: Increase the number of people reached

  • Like vs Follow
  • Reaching people without sponsored activity
  • Encourage conversions

Strengthen your online community

  • Use Facebook groups
  • Use Facebook for customer support
  • How to get the most out of Messenger

Sell on Facebook

  • Facebook sales funnel
  • Call to action
  • Facebook Ads
  • Facebook Ads Manager

Manage a company page: Measure and improve page performance

  • Collect page metrics
  • Improve performance

Next steps


The Marketing on Facebook course is aimed at owners and marketing managers of companies that want to manage a company’s page and find resellers, distributors, partners, franchises via the Internet


No requirements are required to address this marketing course on Facebook


Alessandro Contadini

Certificate issued

“Marketing on Facebook” frequency certificate.

Request term

The date to define.


16 hours, divided into 4 meetings of 4 hours

To be defined

See all Web Marketing courses

Sign up for the marketing on Facebook course

Payment will take place in the first lesson

Just 299 euros

4 meetings for a total of 16 hours

From 4 subscribers

The marketing on Facebook course will start when the minimum number of subscribers is reached

    Marketing on Facebook: Manage a company page

    Our Certifications